It is important you understand that who you are and what you have will determine the people coming around you and what they expect from you.

If you are blessed with Money: A lot of people with financial challenges will be around you, and they expect you to assist them, in most cases after you solve their problems,they will be gone.& may not even remember to show any form of gratitude.

If you are blessed with Wisdom: may people needing counsel will be around you, once they have receive the wisdom they need to take care of their challenges, they will disappear, and when u have Ur own challenges do not be too sure of this People being there.they may not.

If you are blessed with intelligence,they will come and receive strategies and build their business, Career etc and forget you.

If you are blessed with connections like me, Many will come,use you as a means and get to the people they want to reach, then ignore you as thou you have added no value to their life.

Beloved,the list continues but understand this!

God blessed you with all this Money, Wisdom, Intelligence, Connections etc not for your own self alone but for the sake of this set of people who are around you.

For you to be able to get along well with people! Understand what you have and who you are, this will give you a clue on how to deal with people when they walk into your life. Never expect anyone to stay forever in Ur life except for your family.

Don’t be stingy with what you have, be generous with it, that will only multiply and not reduce you.

Forgive those whom u think have use u, and understand you met them for that purpose.

Moreover there are also those whom God has placed in your own life for divers purposes.If u can think back, everything you have and are is as a result of God’s help through someone

God has a way of rewarding everyone for that.
Know who you are
Know what you have
You will know why they are there

Your one and only #Angel_B