We are happy to announce the solemnization of our beloved President, Administrator, Coordinator, Mentor and Father Pastor Amaitem Udoh and Sis Inemesit Udom

May your home be blessed with bountiful blessings and your lovely wife very fruitful and useful in the work of the ministry.Continue reading to get more information about the Traditional Marriage and the Wedding Ceremonies…

-The families of Elder/Deaconess Fatise Sampson Udom of Ikot Akpan Anwa in Ika Local Government Area and Elder/Deaconess Patrick Sandy Udoh of Afaha Offot in Uyo Local Government Area, all in Akwa Ibom State,  cordially invites ALL to the Traditional as well as the Wedding ceremonies of their children Inemesit andAmaitem.

Traditional Marriage holds at Elder Fatise Samson Udom’s compound at Ikot Akpan Anwa in Ika Local Government Area on the 27th of April, 2017. 

More details on the flyer below